Team November’s Program

A group of four people on a panel discussing civility, ethics, and bias.

The panelists for the roundtable discussion

The INNtersection of Civility, Ethics, and Bias - A Roundtable Discussion


Judge Jennifer Lee, Contra Costa County Superior Court

Vincent Tong, Tong Law

Nichelle Holmes, Contra Costa County Office of the District Attorney.

Moderator: Cathy Ongiri, State Bar of California and President of the Earl Warren Inn

(1.0 hours MCLE/Ethics Credit)

The INNtersection of Civility, Ethics and Bias was a round table discussion about the latest California Civility Task Force Report and the Rules of Professional Conduct that affect civility and how expressions of bias manifest through incivility.  The program had a panel of two attorneys and a judicial officer that discussed the various aspects of practice where incivility manifest.  The topics included a discussion of civility in court writings, hearings, and through discovery. The topics discussed included the intersection of bias and incivility.  The audience participated through polling and sharing of their experiences.  The panelists discussed how they navigated these experiences and emphasized how to maintain professionalism.  The framework for the discussion was how the Rules of Professional Conduct support and reinforce attorneys’ ethical duties to maintain civility.

Thank you to the members of our Inn and their guests for joining us for a discussion on this difficult but timely topic. A special thanks to Nichelle Holmes for joining the panel as a non-member - we hope that one day you will join our Inn!


Team January’s Program


Presenting Judge Tamiza Hockenhull Stone!